Episode 24: Punky Brewster at Camp Chipmunk by Ann Matthews

Episode 23: The Neverending Story (Part 4- FINALE!)
July 22, 2019
Episode 25: Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
August 20, 2019

Although she's always wanted to go to camp, once Punky arrives she is homesick and begins to wonder if Henry plans to leave her at Camp Chipmunk forever.

Another camp book? MORE HORSES?! Somehow we always end up here! And did you know there were Punky Brewster books? We both watched this show as kids, but how does the book hold up?

There IS an episode of the Punky Brewster show where Punky goes to camp, but its definitely different from the tale in this book - including boys raiding their cabin. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5v4kqk